
The Handmade Life

147,00 $

Available anytime / Self-study
5 lesson course
Anne-Marie Jobin


Based on the book entitled Créez la vie qui vous ressemble which was published in French by Anne-Marie Jobin, this course examines different stages of the creative process and proposes activities aimed at exploring creativity while providing concrete ways of activating it in one’s life.

The Handmade Life is a five-lesson online course to look at your creative life, stimulate it and help you manifest it in your life.

The topics are:

Lesson 1: Taking stock; feeling your creative energy
Lesson 2: Feeling your inspirations; activating your intuition
Lesson 3: Moving forward: getting organized and working with difficulties
Lesson 4: Moving Forward: Finding Allies
Lesson 5: Celebrating your Creativity

Anne-Marie Jobin presents each lesson’s exercices via video and she is available to answer your questions.

Nothing is live – you follow at your own pace.

Five lessons over 5 weeks.  You have access to this course for up to 6 months.

For more information about how these courses function, please see Frequently Asked Questions.